May 28, 2024

Lancelot, Blind Fighter - Testing Your Limits with Stephan Kelly (Coven and Crucible)

Stephan Kelly brings Lancelot to the table. Lance is a blind martial artist in a coven of witches, doing his best to leave the world a little bit better than when he found it.

Stephan and I discuss building a character while you're building the system, testing the limits of system mastery, and an unfortunate jousting accident.

This character is built for Coven and Crucible, a game created by Stephan, his wife roach, and his daughter Charlotte.

Stephan Kelly is a retired fitness professional and theatre nerd who has channeled his optimism into creating TTRPGs and redefining masculinity. He is the "mechanics guy" at 13th Moon Games, a family run gaming company, and works there with his wife, daughter, and son.

You can learn more about Stephan at:

Wing Women is an actual play podcast based on the exploits of the real-life Night Witches, Soviet airwomen fighting to survive during a campaign of bombing against the Nazis.

The Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast is an actual play podcast with a group of friends who have been playing roleplaying games off and on together for nearly 40 years.

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Cover art by The Curiographer

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Thanks for listening, and may all your characters find their stories!


00:00:00.679 --> 00:00:02.680
I lived my life in my twenties, like I wouldn't see 30.

00:00:02.680 --> 00:00:05.690
And now that I'm in my fifties, my body's like, Hey, remember those checks you wrote?

00:00:05.719 --> 00:00:07.750
Yeah, insufficient funds, my friend.

00:00:07.929 --> 00:00:11.648
If you're a new DM or storyteller, don't be afraid.

00:00:12.669 --> 00:00:13.989
We'll see how something got broken.

00:00:14.069 --> 00:00:18.728
We'll talk about how to fix it with a rule so that it limits what things can do.

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And then I immediately create a trait that helps kind of skirt that.

00:00:23.195 --> 00:00:26.375
And so I leaned back on the horse and this piece of wood is sticking out of me.

00:00:26.515 --> 00:00:29.515
Everybody thought that I got impaled and it was great for the show.

00:01:07.944 --> 00:01:08.905
Hello, friends.

00:01:08.954 --> 00:01:14.414
Welcome to Characters Without Stories, a TTRPG podcast about the roads not yet traveled.

00:01:14.564 --> 00:01:15.254
I'm Star.

00:01:15.864 --> 00:01:26.754
This episode, I'm joined by Stephan, a retired fitness professional and theater nerd who has channeled his optimism into creating TTRPGs and redefining masculinity.

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Stephan is the mechanics guy at and works there with his wife, daughter, and son.

00:01:34.668 --> 00:01:37.209
Stephan, thank you so much for coming on the podcast.

00:01:37.219 --> 00:01:38.799
Thank you so much for having me Star.

00:01:38.799 --> 00:01:39.418
I appreciate it.

00:01:39.569 --> 00:01:45.918
So I'm going to give you a chance to plug your projects at the end of the episode, but do you have anything you want to share with listeners about yourself?

00:01:46.349 --> 00:01:55.838
Well, I've been playing tabletop games since I was nine, and that was back in the late 1900s, you know, 79, all that good stuff.

00:01:55.838 --> 00:02:04.519
So I've been playing for quite a while, and it's just been a tremendous journey to be able to start producing, writing and creating them.

00:02:04.909 --> 00:02:08.870
Uh, if my 13 year old self could look at me now, he'd be extremely happy.

00:02:09.090 --> 00:02:10.150
That's awesome.

00:02:10.584 --> 00:02:13.365
So where did you get started with TTRPGs?

00:02:13.405 --> 00:02:15.724
Did you start with D&D like a lot of people or?

00:02:15.724 --> 00:02:16.305
I did.

00:02:16.305 --> 00:02:20.074
It was the, uh, red and blue boxed basic and expert set.

00:02:20.144 --> 00:02:23.074
It was a birthday party in a friend's basement over the weekend.

00:02:23.633 --> 00:02:26.305
That's, I played that and was hooked immediately.

00:02:26.365 --> 00:02:28.334
Started that and then never looked back.

00:02:28.403 --> 00:02:32.554
When did you start getting into other TTRPGs besides D&D?

00:02:33.115 --> 00:02:38.805
I would say toward the end of high school, I had a couple of friends, which is amazing that I'm still chatting with them.

00:02:38.805 --> 00:02:47.284
In fact, I chatted with them this morning on Discord, that I started learning about them through them being very proactive about trying things other than D&D.

00:02:47.425 --> 00:02:48.063
And it was pretty cool.

00:02:48.074 --> 00:02:52.213
Things like Gamma World, things like Boot Hill, Champions, stuff like that.

00:02:52.394 --> 00:02:56.264
I'm so glad you found your way and that you're making your own games now.

00:02:56.264 --> 00:02:57.213
That's amazing.

00:02:57.463 --> 00:02:57.694

00:02:58.245 --> 00:03:01.463
So, Stephan, who are you bringing to the table today?

00:03:01.653 --> 00:03:05.713
Oh, today I am bringing Lance, also known as Lancelot.

00:03:05.805 --> 00:03:14.414
Uh, he is a martial artist from the world of Coven and Crucible, which is set in modern day Chicago.

00:03:14.900 --> 00:03:16.280
This is your game.

00:03:16.960 --> 00:03:22.340
So if you could give me the elevator pitch, kind of what you use to sell the game to people.

00:03:22.560 --> 00:03:23.469

00:03:23.500 --> 00:03:24.500
The inspirations.

00:03:24.500 --> 00:03:34.539
I like to say that if you were to take the movies, the John Wick series and The Last Witch Hunter, and imagine that they got together and had a really pretty baby, this game would be it.

00:03:36.799 --> 00:03:39.338
So why do you say pretty baby?

00:03:39.399 --> 00:03:41.669
Is it because of the art or anything like that?

00:03:41.859 --> 00:03:42.729

00:03:42.729 --> 00:03:43.989
It is because of the art.

00:03:44.058 --> 00:03:46.498
My daughter is the art goblin.

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She's done all the art for the books and it's just beautiful.

00:03:50.389 --> 00:03:51.169
That's so cool.

00:03:51.169 --> 00:03:53.169
I love that it's a family business.

00:03:53.408 --> 00:03:53.909
Thank you.

00:03:54.199 --> 00:03:56.929
So what is the play like for the game?

00:03:57.569 --> 00:04:26.824
It's really designed to be more RP based, roleplay based, and experiencing essentially modern day witchcraft, and what if witches were still a thing, and were very active, and if there was a magical world that's kind of a part of this world, where magic is just another skill, like computer programming, or welding, or something like that, or accounting, I like to say, because a lot of people can do math, But they leave the taxes to the experts, right?

00:04:26.834 --> 00:04:32.495
So that's so a lot of people could possibly do magic, but it takes practice and effort and intention.

00:04:32.944 --> 00:04:34.404
So they leave that to the experts.

00:04:35.019 --> 00:04:36.110
That's really cool.

00:04:36.110 --> 00:04:47.418
I love it when there's a modern world and there's a magical system either set beneath it and kind of hidden or kind of set on top and just like, this is normal.

00:04:47.418 --> 00:04:51.310
Everybody is used to witches and things like that in the world.

00:04:51.399 --> 00:04:56.800
Why did you decide to make a modern game like that rather than setting it in more of a traditional fantasy?

00:04:57.610 --> 00:04:57.850

00:04:58.180 --> 00:05:05.500
See, I, here's where we break into the, uh, the job descriptions of this, because I'm the mechanics guy.

00:05:05.500 --> 00:05:14.439
I wrote the mechanics for the game and how to get things from the role, play through the action, make it gritty and fun, and then get'em quickly back to the role play.

00:05:14.680 --> 00:05:15.939
My wife, she's the one.

00:05:16.423 --> 00:05:35.175
Came to me and proposed this and so she did a lot of the world building and she wanted and I agreed That we wanted to set it in something that we're all familiar with we can recognize and acknowledge and like, okay This would be really really fun in this setting and we wanted to stay close to our inspirations like the movies So that was the main motivation.

00:05:35.213 --> 00:05:40.649
She came to me Thanksgiving a few years ago and said would you like to take our relationship to the next level?

00:05:40.978 --> 00:05:46.509
And I having no, no concept of whatsoever what she was asking immediately said, yes, because that's what I do.

00:05:46.809 --> 00:05:48.658
And then she said, well, I want to make a game for you.

00:05:48.709 --> 00:05:52.759
And so then we started making it originally something for me to play because I'm the forever DM.

00:05:53.249 --> 00:05:56.598
And then here we are, we decided to take it, publish it.

00:05:56.908 --> 00:06:05.779
It's been a rocky road, but we are starting on that uphill climb again of being a bit more successful than we were last month than the month before.

00:06:06.439 --> 00:06:09.684
In Coven and Crucible, what is character building like?

00:06:09.923 --> 00:06:17.533
I like to say that you want to make a specialist, that there is no such thing as min maxing because there's no possible way to be good at everything.

00:06:17.684 --> 00:06:24.233
Uh, when you make a character, you come with a concept very much like, I'm going to play a hitter, I'm going to play a hacker, I'm going to play a thief.

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I'm going to play a protector, a hexer, an alchemist, a forger, something like that.

00:06:29.504 --> 00:06:31.324
You come with a concept and then.

00:06:31.654 --> 00:06:39.384
The idea is to come with a concept, because it's not intended for individual play, it's intended for group play, where you're part of a team or circle of witches.

00:06:39.454 --> 00:06:49.303
And so, you come with that in mind, and then we go from there to the system of, you have attributes, you have skills, you have sub skills, and you have traits, and you define all those things.

00:06:49.605 --> 00:06:51.324
Those are the things that define your character.

00:06:51.673 --> 00:06:57.725
And then, hopefully, after maybe 20 minutes to half an hour, you have a character ready to go that you're really super excited about.

00:06:58.173 --> 00:07:07.634
So, does the game use something like playbooks, for example, like in Apocalypse World, or is there more like classes, like D&D, or?

00:07:07.764 --> 00:07:08.663
There's no classes.

00:07:08.684 --> 00:07:10.954
Everything is free form, for the most part.

00:07:10.995 --> 00:07:16.714
The biggest choices that you need to make are if you belong to a house, and if you belong to the coven.

00:07:17.285 --> 00:07:27.384
Houses are groups of witches that are of like mind and like goals, and they'll have rules and things to ascribe to, kind of like choosing a group to belong with.

00:07:27.735 --> 00:07:28.985
But then there's the coven.

00:07:29.053 --> 00:07:30.745
The coven is like a corporation.

00:07:30.745 --> 00:07:42.514
It's a group of witches that is run by a board of directors and a CEO that will help witches who belong to them, their members, help intervene on legal matters, help give them support, training, things like that.

00:07:42.524 --> 00:07:44.704
As long as you're a member of the coven, you're good.

00:07:44.934 --> 00:07:50.473
If you're an independent witch, well, the coven doesn't really step in much at all.

00:07:50.555 --> 00:07:55.814
Are witches in this world persecuted or feared or anything like that?

00:07:56.185 --> 00:07:59.524
That's a really good thing that we're exploring in the playtest now.

00:07:59.533 --> 00:08:01.264
We've been playtesting for over two years.

00:08:01.324 --> 00:08:09.353
Yes, they, there are groups that are antagonistic toward witches, like the witch hunters, the unseen, and those are threats to characters.

00:08:09.793 --> 00:08:15.473
But for the most part, the average person walking down the street would not recognize a witch unless they were a Merlin.

00:08:15.850 --> 00:08:16.660
By a sight.

00:08:16.740 --> 00:08:20.470
You wouldn't even know that a witch is sitting next to you and a lot of magic isn't obvious.

00:08:21.379 --> 00:08:23.899
Your character is named Lancelot.

00:08:24.100 --> 00:08:30.209
I'm assuming that you took inspiration from the round table because where else are you going to get that name?

00:08:30.290 --> 00:08:30.639

00:08:30.649 --> 00:08:33.548
Why was that your inspiration for the name?

00:08:33.948 --> 00:08:37.373
Well, that goes to, uh, the lore of House Merlin.

00:08:37.373 --> 00:08:43.558
House Merlins, they're not flamboyant, but they are very colorfully expressive and dressed.

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You will see them all wearing literal wizard robes and pointy wizard hats and big, big bushy beards.

00:08:50.475 --> 00:08:51.524
And there's a reason for that.

00:08:51.554 --> 00:08:59.404
And when you join the Merlins, you forgo your birth name and you take on a name that is synonymous with Arthurian legend.

00:08:59.813 --> 00:09:08.985
Generally, it's not so pompous as like Lancelot or Arthur or Gawain, but sometimes it is depending on who the character is and what they do.

00:09:09.370 --> 00:09:20.139
And so this character, because his father was a Merlin, it was suggested that Lancelot be it, because he is unique in the House of Merlin because of his ability to be martial.

00:09:20.379 --> 00:09:25.450
So they're taking on the role of kind of that classic knight, would you say?

00:09:25.578 --> 00:09:26.259

00:09:26.489 --> 00:09:34.659
His motivation and goal is to help the Merlins because he believes in them, and he believes in what they're trying to accomplish, even if he doesn't know what that is.

00:09:34.720 --> 00:09:43.629
You know, he is a martial artist, but also blind, which the circumstances around him being blind is interesting in and of itself.

00:09:43.710 --> 00:09:44.879
He's been blind since birth.

00:09:45.080 --> 00:09:47.379
The whole point of Merlins is misdirection.

00:09:47.419 --> 00:10:00.369
They present a very comedic persona so that people will underestimate them or think them incapable or inept because they're dressed ridiculously like Merlin from, you know, everyone would think.

00:10:00.418 --> 00:10:02.548
You know, big bushy beard, robe, hat.

00:10:02.985 --> 00:10:08.254
Yet they're actually quite capable at the certain things that they choose to do.

00:10:08.475 --> 00:10:09.794
And in this case, Lance a lot is.

00:10:10.330 --> 00:10:14.659
Extremely good at fighting, being martial and divination as well.

00:10:14.669 --> 00:10:16.159
He's a seer, even though he's blind.

00:10:16.460 --> 00:10:22.889
What is the conception in the rest of the non magical world about Merlins?

00:10:23.119 --> 00:10:34.840
It sounds like if their idea is misdirection or pretending to be incompetent might be a strong word, but pretending not to be the powerful wizards that they are.

00:10:35.344 --> 00:10:36.264
How does that work?

00:10:36.333 --> 00:10:38.464
Are they a secret society?

00:10:38.644 --> 00:10:40.224
Are they presenting in a different way?

00:10:40.443 --> 00:10:41.054
Not really.

00:10:41.224 --> 00:10:44.778
So, if people know About this misdirection.

00:10:44.799 --> 00:10:45.749
How does it work?

00:10:46.438 --> 00:10:48.929
It's not entirely common knowledge.

00:10:48.969 --> 00:11:03.259
They're not secret, but the fact that you don't know what they're good at, modern society sees them as these kind of bumbling, very extravagant and very almost hilarious in how they deal with things in the outside world.

00:11:03.259 --> 00:11:07.259
So modern people, normal people and non witches are like, Oh, look, it's a Merlin.

00:11:07.299 --> 00:11:08.129
Okay, whatever.

00:11:08.159 --> 00:11:09.889
Look, Ren Faire must be in town or something.

00:11:10.639 --> 00:11:12.220
Or maybe there was a play or something, who knows.

00:11:12.370 --> 00:11:17.639
So they generally will think, like, as if they saw someone walking down the street normally, downtown Chicago.

00:11:17.940 --> 00:11:26.499
But the witches, the witch world, while they know that Merlins are generally about misdirection, they don't know what they're good at, and they don't know what that means.

00:11:26.499 --> 00:11:30.980
So that way, it keeps them guessing, and that's kind of what the Merlins really hope to accomplish with that.

00:11:31.539 --> 00:11:32.289
To what end?

00:11:32.990 --> 00:11:38.690
To make people underestimate them and to keep them guessing as to what they're actually doing, what their actual goals are.

00:11:38.690 --> 00:11:52.590
Because a Merlin might go out and approach a group of a circle of witches, let's say the player characters, and ask them to do some sort of task for them and pay them in Pentacles, which is the witch currency, but it won't explain why and generally wouldn't explain why.

00:11:52.919 --> 00:11:59.509
And so the circle would, you know, go and do this task or not, depending, but they wouldn't know why or what the goal was.

00:11:59.809 --> 00:12:02.349
They would see this person as, oh, this is a source of income.

00:12:02.349 --> 00:12:05.179
It could be from anyone really, but a Merlin does it.

00:12:05.188 --> 00:12:13.068
They're like, there's some era of mystique because they don't know the goal is or who they're aligned with because of that presentation.

00:12:13.339 --> 00:12:18.239
Lancelot is also the name of a betrayer.

00:12:18.610 --> 00:12:20.490
He betrayed King Arthur.

00:12:20.909 --> 00:12:27.120
Is there anything about that part of the name that resonated for the character?

00:12:27.620 --> 00:12:28.600

00:12:28.730 --> 00:12:36.490
The reason that I chose it for, obviously it was in the story, his backstory, it was suggested and he accepted.

00:12:37.179 --> 00:12:49.970
But the reason I chose that is because the Merlins are nefarious and they sometimes have, you know, And they certainly have in the playtest group, earned an enmity from some of the, the players.

00:12:49.980 --> 00:12:55.538
So I believe that Lance himself is noble of heart and he wants to do the right thing.

00:12:55.538 --> 00:13:05.700
And if and when he discovers something that is, that he does not agree with, that is dissonant with his perception of what the Merlin should be doing or his own personal goals that could cause conflict.

00:13:05.700 --> 00:13:07.769
And so that was part of that motivation.

00:13:08.059 --> 00:13:11.230
Is Lancelot part of a coven?

00:13:11.979 --> 00:13:19.279
He is part of the coven because all the major houses, there are nine of them, all the major houses are all part of the coven and they all have representation.

00:13:19.448 --> 00:13:28.139
You can choose as part of the house to not be part of the coven, but for the most part, by joining the house, you accept that you are part of the coven and he did align with that.

00:13:28.634 --> 00:13:43.644
So he is a coven member and he is a house member and so he did choose to align himself with the coven and that is another level of, if he ever finds out what the coven is up to, if it's nefarious, then he, he might be at odds and that might cause him concern with the house.

00:13:43.674 --> 00:13:46.845
And of course, drama, which is what this game is all about.

00:13:48.945 --> 00:13:50.154
Who doesn't love drama?

00:13:50.164 --> 00:13:50.634

00:13:51.024 --> 00:13:59.414
In this world, is magic something that you have from birth, is it something awakened within you at a different point in your life?

00:13:59.445 --> 00:14:03.455
Is it something that results from accident or circumstance?

00:14:03.914 --> 00:14:05.104
That's a very good question.

00:14:05.105 --> 00:14:08.714
And a lot of times it's what's asked, one of the first things that people ask about the game.

00:14:09.220 --> 00:14:12.539
No, there's not some mystical, I can or can't do it.

00:14:12.659 --> 00:14:15.210
It is, I choose to or I choose not to.

00:14:15.610 --> 00:14:16.389
It's a skill.

00:14:16.490 --> 00:14:29.089
Everyone has the potential because everyone has a magic attribute, whether or not you choose to develop that or choose to explore that option and to what degree is up to the person creating that.

00:14:29.129 --> 00:14:32.789
There are people in our playtest that aren't, aren't spellcasters or aren't witches at all.

00:14:33.289 --> 00:14:38.549
But there's no, there's no mystical origin of whether or not you can and can't do magic.

00:14:38.549 --> 00:14:39.679
It's whether or not you choose to.

00:14:40.090 --> 00:14:47.940
There are some people, some witches, who are witches that are good at, they're witches first, but good at, say, computers.

00:14:48.288 --> 00:14:53.095
But there are also, computer specialists who are somewhat good at magic.

00:14:53.264 --> 00:14:57.054
So it can be both ways, and there's a difference, and sometimes there's people who don't do it at all.

00:14:57.264 --> 00:15:06.833
Since Lance is a martial character, you describe them as a martial artist, do they not use magic, or is magic part of their martial tradition?

00:15:07.115 --> 00:15:08.384
Oh, that's an excellent question.

00:15:08.484 --> 00:15:09.504
Yes, it is part.

00:15:09.514 --> 00:15:13.024
He uses magic constantly in his martial endeavors.

00:15:13.519 --> 00:15:22.399
Being a diviner, there is potential for him to be able to sense, using divination, what's about to happen with his opponents and in the combat itself.

00:15:22.690 --> 00:15:26.340
And so he can then use that to his advantage in the next round of combat.

00:15:26.548 --> 00:15:33.340
With blind fighting, which is an actual subskill, that's what he uses on his daily basis, just to be aware of his surroundings.

00:15:33.340 --> 00:15:42.059
But you can then use magic to enhance that, so he has an awareness that is a bit more than what a normal seeing person can accomplish.

00:15:42.625 --> 00:15:53.504
Was he motivated to learn these magical skills, the divining, the blind fighting to overcome the blindness or was it a completely separate motivation?

00:15:53.684 --> 00:15:58.793
Absolutely to overcome the blindness and to be able to use his blindness to his advantage.

00:15:59.034 --> 00:16:01.083
What got him started on that path?

00:16:01.375 --> 00:16:03.364
Did he start at a young age?

00:16:03.394 --> 00:16:07.674
Was there like an awakening moment or a moment where he made a decision?

00:16:08.134 --> 00:16:10.808
Yes, there was a moment in time in his life.

00:16:11.068 --> 00:16:23.188
In his childhood, where he attended school normally, he hadn't been practicing magic, so he didn't have those skills, but he did have the natural aptitude for it, and so things would develop as normal.

00:16:23.220 --> 00:16:28.299
Because magic is about intention, there aren't spell slots and there aren't spells, so he didn't, like, learn to cast a spell.

00:16:28.620 --> 00:16:31.928
It's that he concentrated on something and it happened for him.

00:16:31.938 --> 00:16:35.620
He put his intention forth when he was in grade school.

00:16:35.965 --> 00:16:58.485
He was in 3rd grade and someone in 2nd grade was getting picked on and people left him alone only because nobody would want to pick on the blind kid, which is whatever, but there was a 2nd grader who was being picked on and he stepped in and in that moment realized that he might have overstepped his case, but he knew he had to do something because this poor kid was getting bullied.

00:16:59.049 --> 00:17:10.659
And so he stepped in, and then he wanted to help protect this kid, manifested that intention as a form of protection, in that he would step in and block any kind of pushing or shoving.

00:17:10.950 --> 00:17:17.858
And he did, and he ended up helping that kid, and then that kid became a friend of his throughout grade school.

00:17:17.878 --> 00:17:18.710
And that's how he started.

00:17:19.019 --> 00:17:24.759
And then when he approached his father about this, his father said, Okay, I think it's about time we get you into this avenue.

00:17:25.213 --> 00:17:29.575
Introduced him to a monastery that was local that helped him train him in martial arts.

00:17:29.964 --> 00:17:34.234
And then, or I say monastery, I should say dojo, uh, and then got him on that path.

00:17:34.974 --> 00:17:40.394
His father was supportive of his desire to learn magic.

00:17:40.653 --> 00:17:43.704
Was his father also skilled in magic?

00:17:43.753 --> 00:17:44.523
Oh, yes.

00:17:44.625 --> 00:17:46.434
His father was a Merlin, also.

00:17:47.309 --> 00:17:51.730
Merlins aren't allowed to marry once you enter the Merlin house, you're not allowed to marry.

00:17:52.079 --> 00:17:58.450
So Lance was born, obviously, from a relationship that wasn't formed from marriage.

00:17:58.750 --> 00:18:01.369
His mother was an independent witch and his father was a Merlin.

00:18:01.409 --> 00:18:08.640
And so his father was very supportive of that and his mother was obviously more than supportive, just very caring and compassionate.

00:18:08.650 --> 00:18:10.000
He had a great childhood.

00:18:10.599 --> 00:18:21.609
Once he started establishing a sort of protective stance on anyone that was being picked on or bullied, he didn't have that traumatic childhood other than navigating through a world that he couldn't see with his eyes.

00:18:22.288 --> 00:18:26.019
Is it more of a technical thing about the marriage?

00:18:26.028 --> 00:18:28.409
They're still together, but not married.

00:18:28.628 --> 00:18:29.449
They were never married.

00:18:29.479 --> 00:18:34.929
And it was more of a, you know, this is a thing that happens and you were expected to support this as a Merlin.

00:18:35.289 --> 00:18:39.375
Merlins are very big about personal responsibility and repercussions of actions.

00:18:39.625 --> 00:18:46.355
So he was obligated, but he was also, you know, his dad was a caring person and not a cold, heartless person.

00:18:46.384 --> 00:18:48.484
So he did, you know, take care of that.

00:18:48.494 --> 00:18:54.325
There was no marriage and they are still in communication, but they aren't together anymore because they're not allowed to be.

00:18:54.375 --> 00:19:04.779
Once news about that came out, the Merlins were like, look, you either have to leave the Merlins and marry this woman, if that's what she wants, or you need to step away from that.

00:19:04.799 --> 00:19:08.849
And, and that's, we took the other option, but they still communicate and they're still on good terms.

00:19:08.849 --> 00:19:10.779
It's not at all chaotic at all.

00:19:11.439 --> 00:19:15.819
You mentioned that, uh, the Merlins may have nefarious purposes.

00:19:16.109 --> 00:19:21.099
How involved is his father in those nefarious purposes?

00:19:21.109 --> 00:19:23.878
Is there also that conflict within his father?

00:19:24.329 --> 00:19:36.259
His father took the name Alder, like an alder tree, which is a bit also pompous, but he is, and I say nefarious, he is involved with some things that perhaps Lance would be opposed to.

00:19:36.720 --> 00:19:46.250
One of the major goals of the Merlins is to reconstruct Camelot, find it, reconstruct it, and to resurrect Merlin, essentially.

00:19:46.328 --> 00:19:52.959
So they do a lot of things in order to accomplish those that might be frowned upon in polite society.

00:19:53.089 --> 00:19:56.169
They use a lot of coffin nails, which are Materia Magica.

00:19:56.170 --> 00:20:03.954
They do a lot of ritual summoning of ghosts and things that also may not look well upon the people who do so.

00:20:03.974 --> 00:20:17.523
They divine, which divination can be absolutely a breach of privacy and trust to find information and they enlist the aids of circles so they don't get fingered for doing a crime when these others.

00:20:17.534 --> 00:20:20.974
So the circle goes and like, steals and a grimoire or notebook or something.

00:20:21.265 --> 00:20:24.424
What is the aim of resurrecting Merlin?

00:20:24.424 --> 00:20:26.565
What do they hope to accomplish by doing that?

00:20:27.194 --> 00:20:34.904
By resurrecting Merlin, they hope to help facilitate the either discovery or the reconstruction of Camelot.

00:20:35.125 --> 00:20:40.424
Camelot is this beautiful, safe place that is like the ideal place.

00:20:40.713 --> 00:20:51.494
And so they really, really want to bring that back because not only is it a goal that they want to take a part of, but also then it kind of establishes their hierarchy in the witch world.

00:20:51.854 --> 00:20:52.773
Look, Merlin.

00:20:52.854 --> 00:20:53.724
We're House Merlin.

00:20:53.794 --> 00:20:54.594
This is Merlin.

00:20:54.855 --> 00:20:57.375
He existed, and now we have created this space.

00:20:57.484 --> 00:20:59.625
This is something that you have to acknowledge and respect.

00:20:59.875 --> 00:21:03.115
Why did you make the decision to play a blind character?

00:21:03.785 --> 00:21:06.484
I like to push the stereotype.

00:21:06.575 --> 00:21:09.534
Like, when I say stereotypes, I mean like, uh, a common stereotype.

00:21:09.535 --> 00:21:13.538
Like, you choose a fighter, uh, or a tanker, or something like that.

00:21:13.888 --> 00:21:20.779
And so I will push that envelope to the furthest I can possibly get while still maintaining that idea.

00:21:21.079 --> 00:21:24.568
For example, one of the other characters I play is a tank, a big, heavy hitter.

00:21:24.819 --> 00:21:30.519
But he is around in a, like a pink,'I am Kenough' t shirt, tie dye.

00:21:30.818 --> 00:21:35.779
He is extremely supportive and he, you know, he does all the things that tough guys don't do.

00:21:35.779 --> 00:21:37.009
Like, he'll cry.

00:21:37.255 --> 00:21:40.234
He'll talk about, Oh, uh, did I say something wrong?

00:21:40.315 --> 00:21:46.523
He's very conscious about stepping on toes and about a lot of my personal goals and redefining masculinity of he shows emotions.

00:21:46.525 --> 00:21:50.295
He makes certain that other emotions and other people are taken into account.

00:21:50.305 --> 00:21:52.434
Other people that are not like himself, right?

00:21:52.674 --> 00:22:01.255
So it's very much along the lines of how Lance is blind, but he is also not what a normal blind person would be like.

00:22:01.345 --> 00:22:06.403
From my limited experience, I do have, you know, I have some friends that I, I draw on, but.

00:22:06.714 --> 00:22:16.265
I think the reason I do that is because I want to draw attention to it, and I want to draw attention to how things can be perceived for individuals who are not like ourselves.

00:22:16.365 --> 00:22:26.375
People who may not be as mobile, or people who are struggling with transition, people who are not able to see, able to hear, you know, things like that.

00:22:26.484 --> 00:22:29.654
I think just to bring that to light, because yes.

00:22:30.134 --> 00:22:35.275
We can overcome that with magic in this world, but are we aware that is an issue in the first place?

00:22:35.515 --> 00:22:36.454
So that's why I do that.

00:22:36.674 --> 00:22:41.095
You said that one of your goals personally is to redefine masculinity.

00:22:41.365 --> 00:22:43.714
Does Lance do that in any way?

00:22:44.375 --> 00:22:45.304

00:22:45.424 --> 00:23:00.554
He does that through Allowing to accept that he feels a certain way and that other people maybe feel a certain way and he helps promote the expression of emotion rather than the tamping down of emotion or closing themselves off to experiencing it.

00:23:00.585 --> 00:23:02.494
Very much about the flow of things.

00:23:02.775 --> 00:23:06.434
Lance is also very much about respect.

00:23:06.964 --> 00:23:14.263
And respecting those that are not like him, or don't look like him, don't sound like him, don't talk like him.

00:23:14.513 --> 00:23:18.484
So he does a lot of that through standing up for them.

00:23:18.644 --> 00:23:21.815
If he encounters something, he will stand up and intervene.

00:23:21.875 --> 00:23:31.855
Not that he feels like they can't do it themselves, but by doing so, it shows other people who may see this that, hey, he, he did this thing and that's cool.

00:23:31.855 --> 00:23:33.013
So maybe I can do it too.

00:23:33.025 --> 00:23:37.013
Or at very least, I know that he is, that somebody is standing up for me.

00:23:37.013 --> 00:23:39.125
Maybe that's, that I feel like I am protected.

00:23:39.144 --> 00:23:39.914
Something like that.

00:23:40.534 --> 00:23:45.503
Lance will not be able to marry and continue to be a Merlin.

00:23:45.615 --> 00:23:51.664
Is sexuality something that he has cut himself off from because of that?

00:23:52.009 --> 00:23:58.730
Is he aromantic or asexual, or is that just something that he's struggling with?

00:23:59.089 --> 00:24:03.059
I like to define him very much like, because he's had some romantic trysts.

00:24:03.069 --> 00:24:05.680
He's had some experiences with that in the past.

00:24:05.720 --> 00:24:08.119
I define him as pandemisexual.

00:24:08.170 --> 00:24:17.839
He's had some romantic relationships with some women, some men, and, or female presenting, male presenting, however the other people choose to be.

00:24:17.910 --> 00:24:22.734
But what he ultimately strives for is that connection, and he knows that he can't ever marry.

00:24:23.074 --> 00:24:27.354
But he also knows that how he came about was because his dad cared for this woman.

00:24:27.513 --> 00:24:38.234
So he does have a, a bit of a longing for that, which is why a lot of the romantic trysts that he's had have only lasted a week or two, maybe three weeks, because that, he just didn't feel that connection.

00:24:38.234 --> 00:24:42.805
And he has to really feel that connection in order to, you know, invest himself further in that.

00:24:43.035 --> 00:24:46.414
So most of the things he's had have been very short lived.

00:24:46.829 --> 00:24:50.648
But it, it very much is an aspect of the game and of the world.

00:24:51.009 --> 00:24:53.679
Tell me more about that, how it's an aspect of the game.

00:24:54.130 --> 00:25:02.138
That stemmed a lot from, and we sometimes joke about this, we stemmed a lot from the play test where we have two games that run weekly.

00:25:02.138 --> 00:25:04.439
One is over voice and one is through text.

00:25:04.828 --> 00:25:09.949
The Wednesday night over voice game is generally referred to as crime night because that's the focus of the group.

00:25:10.284 --> 00:25:16.114
And then the Friday night is generally referred to as Thirsty Witch Night, because it is all, all of this thing.

00:25:16.144 --> 00:25:40.305
And it's, it's wonderful because there was this recent thing that happened at the playtest where a character was playing as a trans woman, as a character, and she was been struggling through the transition and trying to find a way to, as a character, through magic and through learning some of the supernatural traits, eventually assisted her with being able to learn the supernatural trait of shape change.

00:25:40.664 --> 00:25:47.894
And through that, then this character was able to, and the other character put it as, achieving their true form, ascending to their true form.

00:25:48.114 --> 00:25:57.714
And so there was like this beautiful, very heart wrenching moment of the two of them when she finally comes out and is who she is meant to be.

00:25:57.714 --> 00:25:59.234
And it was just beautiful and touching.

00:25:59.234 --> 00:26:10.450
And then one of the other characters on Friday night threw a party for her, and it was, absolutely, just like all the celebration and the joy and the expression of, of that sexuality.

00:26:10.640 --> 00:26:14.569
It's an aspect of the game that is, should be not overlooked, I think.

00:26:14.579 --> 00:26:17.338
But it also, we designed the game to be whatever it is you want.

00:26:17.339 --> 00:26:20.108
So if you just want gun kata, that's totally thing that you can do.

00:26:20.108 --> 00:26:22.460
If you want a game about those two witches, you can do that too.

00:26:24.055 --> 00:26:24.855

00:26:24.884 --> 00:26:31.854
It's nice to have all of those things available to you, even if they're not necessarily mechanically built into the system.

00:26:31.854 --> 00:26:39.335
I mean, I think of games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians where there are mechanical rules that go along with your relationships with each other.

00:26:39.625 --> 00:26:42.233
Is there anything like that in Coven and Crucible?

00:26:42.615 --> 00:26:43.515
Not especially.

00:26:43.545 --> 00:26:59.234
There, there are a few things that you can, like, one of the traits you can take is called companion, and that can be anyone from, you know, a person that you associate with, a personal assistant that you hire, and it can be a witch or a non witch, but someone that you are romantically involved with, or not.

00:26:59.835 --> 00:27:00.944
As far as mechanics?

00:27:01.154 --> 00:27:02.535
No, not especially.

00:27:02.805 --> 00:27:04.545
We didn't wanna define things too much.

00:27:04.545 --> 00:27:08.069
We wanted to leave it up and open-ended for people to run the games they wanted to run.

00:27:36.035 --> 00:27:41.105
Are you looking for an actual play podcast with young hot role players?

00:27:41.785 --> 00:27:46.125
Disciplined professional voice actors, and wholesome content?

00:27:47.154 --> 00:28:00.125
Well, this isn't that podcast! AARPG is an adults only podcast with interviews, actual play stories, where Uh, excuse me, Matt, why do you sound like you've been chain smoking since you were a toddler?

00:28:00.554 --> 00:28:01.413
What do you mean?

00:28:01.743 --> 00:28:02.433
Uh, the voice.

00:28:02.433 --> 00:28:03.763
You don't have to do that voice, man.

00:28:03.835 --> 00:28:24.025
I don't, nah, just tell them that we're a group of old friends who like to get together, hang out, play lots of different types of games, and we want them to feel like they're sitting at the table with us and they can find us just by searching for the A-A-R-P-G podcast on their favorite podcast catcher and at the A-A-R-P-Gs on YouTube.

00:28:38.909 --> 00:28:45.378
As a game designer, creating a character in your own system, what is that experience like?

00:28:46.029 --> 00:28:54.469
Oh, at first, at first it was fun, just super fun to explore the different ways I could try to break the system because that was my goal at the beginning.

00:28:54.499 --> 00:29:25.534
But the more we created this and the more we worked on it and the more I play tested things, it just became really just a wonderful experience and I get excited about making new characters for this game because I want to see what else I can do with certain things and it also came to the point where people would ask me to help them with their character to make them broken, they say, but like it's not, they're not broken, they're just very, very good at what they do and it became like not a surprise when broached with a task that the character I helped design was good at, they were exceptionally good at it.

00:29:25.794 --> 00:29:26.304

00:29:26.464 --> 00:29:41.884
Obviously, designing the system, you have system mastery is a little different from, for example, if you were to start out playing D&D, trying to build a character, and you don't yet have the mastery to create a character that can break the game.

00:29:42.494 --> 00:29:53.554
I have somebody in my game, my D&D game, who is a bardlock, and constantly frustrating to me because of that system mastery.

00:29:54.144 --> 00:30:06.755
So it must be an interesting experience to have so much system mastery and then to go in and create characters that you are, because you're playtesting, are intentionally trying to test those boundaries.

00:30:07.119 --> 00:30:07.890
Oh, absolutely.

00:30:07.890 --> 00:30:23.650
And I, I completely understand the frustration and it's rough because it can lead to, you know, not really good feelings or being unfulfilled with a game because a new DM is oftentimes daunted by a player who has that mastery, you know, and it's a challenge.

00:30:23.859 --> 00:30:33.250
Also the same as, you know, a new player coming in, not experiencing the system at all, here's these stories of what these, these characters can do and they want to do the same things or similar things.

00:30:33.250 --> 00:30:33.809
They want to be.

00:30:34.130 --> 00:30:35.369
They want to have stories about them.

00:30:35.369 --> 00:30:36.569
And so it's a challenge.

00:30:36.950 --> 00:30:37.549
I get that.

00:30:37.549 --> 00:30:39.630
And I, I sympathize with all those.

00:30:39.880 --> 00:30:43.410
And if you're a new DM or storyteller, don't be afraid.

00:30:43.720 --> 00:30:44.500
Make mistakes.

00:30:44.500 --> 00:30:45.250
You can do it.

00:30:45.410 --> 00:30:46.170
It's going to be awesome.

00:30:46.220 --> 00:30:47.099
Tell your story.

00:30:47.200 --> 00:30:48.170
Tell your character stories.

00:30:48.170 --> 00:30:48.750
It's great.

00:30:49.259 --> 00:30:56.500
But as me coming in, and my wife will oftentimes lament because we'll, we'll see how something got broken.

00:30:56.569 --> 00:31:01.309
We'll talk about how to fix it with a rule so that it limits what things can do.

00:31:01.460 --> 00:31:04.769
And then I immediately create a trait that helps kind of skirt that.

00:31:05.470 --> 00:31:15.519
So she's like, yeah, if you see a rule that we were saying we couldn't do something, and then you see a trait that helps you accomplish that thing we said you couldn't do, that was Stephan.

00:31:17.204 --> 00:31:26.825
So tell me about Lance's abilities, maybe go into a little bit about what the different abilities, skills, things like that, that are available in the game.

00:31:27.204 --> 00:31:31.164
There are, uh, and it's daunting when somebody looks at the character sheet.

00:31:31.609 --> 00:31:40.190
At first it starts easy because there's only four attributes, and then it gets a little bit more daunting when there's nine skills, but then there's seven sub skills under each of the nine skills.

00:31:40.190 --> 00:31:41.680
That means 63 sub skills.

00:31:41.799 --> 00:31:48.579
That makes the sheet look very, very scary, and it's not, because you're not going to ever put points in all of those skills, you're going to specialize.

00:31:48.630 --> 00:31:54.150
So, for Lance himself, he is extremely good at fighting.

00:31:54.509 --> 00:31:57.970
He knows, and he's extremely good at disarming removing the threat.

00:31:58.069 --> 00:32:05.640
He doesn't want to hurt people so much as he wants to keep other people safe by neutralizing the threat, not destroying a threat to that.

00:32:05.640 --> 00:32:11.009
And he's a bit, I don't want to say pacifistic, but he's not super all about aggressive violence.

00:32:11.069 --> 00:32:12.314
He's about neutralizing that.

00:32:12.694 --> 00:32:23.795
As quickly as possible to that end, like some of the, the magical aspects of things, there are seven magical subskills that people can choose from, but that's not what all magic can do.

00:32:23.805 --> 00:32:31.325
Like magic isn't confined to those subskills, you can combine magic with any of the 63 subskills to come up with different cool effects.

00:32:31.375 --> 00:32:37.088
So for him, he has combined blind fighting with divination.

00:32:37.500 --> 00:32:48.319
And with magic so that even though he's can't see physically, he can sense where people are and where threats are and help neutralize them or where they're going to be with divination.

00:32:48.450 --> 00:32:55.750
That really, really is a cool combo in my head of being able to know where your opponent's going to be in the next six seconds.

00:32:55.759 --> 00:32:59.349
So you can actually be there to help protect whatever it is they're going after.

00:32:59.390 --> 00:33:02.740
There are also traits which help define your character.

00:33:02.740 --> 00:33:07.474
And so he is obviously had some specialized training in both magical and martial skills.

00:33:07.894 --> 00:33:30.174
He has obviously taken some mastery in those sub skills as well, which are traits that again define his training, but also there's a trait called magical tradition and he has taken what's called the animistic magical tradition, which is, it helps blind fighting and there are other sub skills that, well, you can apply to it that help, I don't want to say buff, but helps increase the capabilities of those sub skills.

00:33:30.474 --> 00:33:34.515
Uh, so he is very much all about martial arts, but he doesn't look like a martial artist.

00:33:34.515 --> 00:33:38.595
He's walking around downtown Chicago in a wizard robe and pointy hat and a fake beard.

00:33:38.595 --> 00:33:41.775
Cause he can't, he hasn't grown one yet and it's not great.

00:33:41.994 --> 00:33:42.244
He did.

00:33:42.244 --> 00:33:43.214
So he has a fake beard.

00:33:43.634 --> 00:33:46.285
So he understands how comical it may appear.

00:33:46.355 --> 00:33:48.414
But again, he's much more about that.

00:33:48.535 --> 00:33:50.025
Everything is not what it appears.

00:33:50.035 --> 00:33:51.285
Don't always trust your eyes.

00:33:51.865 --> 00:33:54.365
So he can't even see how ridiculous he looks.

00:33:54.375 --> 00:33:55.015

00:33:55.154 --> 00:33:57.164
Uh, his beard is askew and that's okay.

00:33:58.525 --> 00:33:59.644
His hat's a little bit off.

00:33:59.869 --> 00:34:00.809
But he has a familiar.

00:34:00.839 --> 00:34:04.890
He has, uh, Archimedes, the golden retriever, who was always with him.

00:34:05.089 --> 00:34:12.960
And Archimedes is incredibly intelligent, actually much smarter than Lance himself, and will not hesitate to point things out like that.

00:34:13.300 --> 00:34:16.280
Lance seems very altruistic.

00:34:16.369 --> 00:34:22.829
Would you say that they're kind of a goody two shoes, or just trying to be a big old hero?

00:34:23.300 --> 00:34:27.429
He is trying to be the best he can be with what he has and who he is.

00:34:27.809 --> 00:34:35.590
He looks for the best in people, he is absolutely complimentary, but in a way that is couched in allegory.

00:34:35.659 --> 00:34:41.329
So he's like trying to help people and give them, you know, little snippets of wisdom while at the same time complimenting them.

00:34:41.719 --> 00:34:48.550
He's not shy at all about paying people's compliments and celebrating and congratulating things that should be celebrated and congratulated.

00:34:48.784 --> 00:34:50.775
Because he wants the people to feel that joy.

00:34:50.795 --> 00:34:57.525
A lot of the characters I have and a lot of my play style is campground rules, which is you always leave a place better than when you found it.

00:34:57.985 --> 00:34:59.594
And that's what he likes to exemplify.

00:34:59.594 --> 00:35:03.025
And when he interacts with people, he likes to leave them better when he found them.

00:35:03.065 --> 00:35:07.934
Now, how that's defined by him and by other people is a completely different thing.

00:35:07.945 --> 00:35:08.864
It doesn't have to be the same.

00:35:09.304 --> 00:35:15.304
He is, I don't want to say he's a paladin, but he's very much trying to live up to his name as a knight.

00:35:15.724 --> 00:35:24.324
Generally, it's the treat others as they should be treated and not necessarily how they treat you because how they treat you in a given day can differ depending on what they're going through.

00:35:24.355 --> 00:35:33.394
Everyone is going through their own thing, but people should be treated with respect and courtesy and they should be protected so that they can embrace their joy.

00:35:33.574 --> 00:35:39.074
If they can't see that joy, that is, well, that's their own journey and that's where they're going through, but give them that opportunity.

00:35:39.519 --> 00:35:43.300
He doesn't have a, I vow to eradicate all evil or anything like that.

00:35:43.360 --> 00:35:47.219
It's more of a personal oath of, I want to help people be better.

00:35:47.449 --> 00:35:52.469
Not necessarily self actualizing, but helping others self actualize?

00:35:52.480 --> 00:35:53.820
Yes, exactly.

00:35:53.880 --> 00:35:56.429
What are Lance's flaws?

00:35:56.960 --> 00:35:59.900
He can insert himself in situations where he may not be welcome.

00:36:00.000 --> 00:36:13.050
In the effort to do good, he may make things much, much worse, because as much as he would like to help change people for the better, a few moments in time, in a day, is not going to change a lifelong pattern.

00:36:13.050 --> 00:36:21.280
And interjecting himself in a situation that might be volatile, or could have turned violent, or was violent in the past and could turn violent again, may not be as helpful as he thinks.

00:36:21.409 --> 00:36:23.760
So, being nosy, I guess.

00:36:24.449 --> 00:36:28.050
Interjecting when he shouldn't interject and not having that sensor yet.

00:36:28.059 --> 00:36:29.440
He's still, he's only 22.

00:36:29.469 --> 00:36:30.219
He's still young.

00:36:30.250 --> 00:36:34.300
He doesn't have that breadth of experience where he knows whether or not to get involved.

00:36:34.300 --> 00:36:36.289
Right now it's, I'm getting involved.

00:36:36.360 --> 00:36:39.119
And then in retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have gotten involved in that.

00:36:39.239 --> 00:36:42.179
Maybe I should have waited and, and maybe I should have asked permission.

00:36:42.400 --> 00:36:43.260
Things like that.

00:36:43.269 --> 00:36:45.489
So he is very much in the exploratory journey.

00:36:45.650 --> 00:36:53.329
I need to experience these things and I need to develop these things or I need to try to help, but he doesn't quite have that experience of when to do so yet.

00:36:53.559 --> 00:37:03.309
You said he's nosy and you talked earlier about divination being a magic skill that some people frown upon because there's a little bit of boundary crossing there.

00:37:03.320 --> 00:37:05.960
Is that something that Lance has done before?

00:37:06.150 --> 00:37:14.860
Inadvertently, he has done something like that before in the backstory, not because I've never, I've not actually got a chance to play him yet, but in the backstory, he has done that.

00:37:14.860 --> 00:37:16.190
And he's learned his lesson there.

00:37:16.360 --> 00:37:23.400
He uses it mainly for helping where his eyes fail, mainly in combat and mainly to discover the potential of things.

00:37:23.820 --> 00:37:28.570
In our game, divining the past is relatively easy depending on who you're divining.

00:37:28.579 --> 00:37:32.449
If you're divining a person, then you have to overcome their magic resistance.

00:37:32.500 --> 00:37:39.869
If you're divining the future, it's incredibly difficult, and there's a larger challenge there, because the future is based on events as they happen now.

00:37:39.969 --> 00:37:44.579
One small thing can change that, and so trying to divine the future is much more of a challenge.

00:37:44.579 --> 00:37:54.735
And so he does so sparingly, he doesn't advertise himself as an oracle or a seer, but he does use it in combat rather regularly.

00:37:55.275 --> 00:37:59.425
What is backstory building like for Coven and Crucible?

00:37:59.905 --> 00:38:05.735
It's completely up to what the player wants to do as much or as little as you like.

00:38:05.735 --> 00:38:08.835
There are no set mechanics like how D&D has backgrounds.

00:38:08.914 --> 00:38:20.510
There aren't things like that, but based on what house you choose and what path you choose for your character, Very much states where your character, what your character has done up until that point.

00:38:20.800 --> 00:38:34.860
So background, we have players that come up with a paragraph, we have players that come up with several pages, and then it's all about if the ST wants to incorporate or if the player wants the ST to incorporate that into story or into plot, that's in a discussion between the player and the storyteller.

00:38:35.030 --> 00:38:42.949
And we've seen where that's happened, although maybe not to the player's happiness, but, you know, backstories can often be tragic.

00:38:43.260 --> 00:38:45.539
But it absolutely can be incorporated.

00:38:45.579 --> 00:38:50.960
It just depends on the player, I think, and what, how much you want to be invested in and how much you want your character to be invested or, or not.

00:38:51.280 --> 00:38:54.460
Where do you fall on the spectrum of backstory?

00:38:54.460 --> 00:39:01.150
Are you a complex and and deep backstory person, or a very light backstory person?

00:39:01.789 --> 00:39:08.409
I like to have backstories that are really exploratory in things that affect people today.

00:39:08.409 --> 00:39:20.300
Like a big one from one of my main characters is PTSD exploring where it's deep, where it's into, I have these issues and I write about these issues, and then whether or not they come into play is another, another thing or not.

00:39:20.329 --> 00:39:22.010
And I'm okay with either or.

00:39:22.440 --> 00:39:28.480
I generally, unless if there's something that I'm not comfortable with, which is, there's very little, then I say, this is what I'm not comfortable with.

00:39:28.500 --> 00:39:37.715
But for the most part, contributing that to the backstory and then contributing it to the ST, I'd say I'm more of a depth backstory person.

00:39:37.715 --> 00:39:48.885
I like to have characters that have a good concept of where they were, but I also like to see where they're going to go and where they're going to go could be completely different than where I'd imagine them when I wrote the backstory, which is awesome.

00:39:48.925 --> 00:39:49.405
I love it.

00:39:49.554 --> 00:39:52.034
What got you started making this character?

00:39:52.065 --> 00:39:55.304
What was the kernel that you built the character from?

00:39:55.485 --> 00:40:01.704
Was it just choosing an option because you're playtesting or was it something more inspirational?

00:40:02.094 --> 00:40:04.300
I think it was a bit of both.

00:40:04.349 --> 00:40:10.519
One of the things that I wanted to see was, because it's not been used very much at all in the playtest, is divination during combat.

00:40:10.630 --> 00:40:13.639
It's been used, I think, maybe like once or twice.

00:40:13.710 --> 00:40:21.764
And so I wanted to really explore that, but also, I'm going to explore it in a way that's necessity than just, I'm going to use it during combat.

00:40:21.764 --> 00:40:23.105
So how could I do that?

00:40:23.105 --> 00:40:23.985
Blind martial artist.

00:40:24.155 --> 00:40:29.045
And then I took a lot of inspiration for Lance from the character from Rogue One, the Chirrut Îmwe.

00:40:29.065 --> 00:40:30.324
I'm the force, the force is with me.

00:40:30.324 --> 00:40:30.985
That kind of thing.

00:40:31.264 --> 00:40:37.083
That relentless belief, that relentless confidence in the belief really struck me.

00:40:37.085 --> 00:40:39.735
And that's something that I wanted to portray in Lance.

00:40:39.735 --> 00:40:41.655
And that's where that inspiration came from.

00:40:41.795 --> 00:40:43.585
That's the kernel that started it all.

00:40:43.844 --> 00:40:51.724
Is that something that you do fairly frequently, taking inspiration from existing characters, or is this novel for this character?

00:40:51.985 --> 00:40:53.804
Uh, no, I do that pretty frequently.

00:40:53.855 --> 00:40:58.125
A lot of times I'll see something that inspires me and I'll base something around it.

00:40:58.264 --> 00:41:02.425
The first character for the playtest was a marine who was not a witch to start with.

00:41:02.514 --> 00:41:04.474
He was a nanny for a witch family.

00:41:04.925 --> 00:41:10.005
So it's this big hulking dude who wearing an apron flipping pancakes for a nine and a seven year old.

00:41:10.324 --> 00:41:11.184
It was awesome.

00:41:11.534 --> 00:41:16.625
And then being the jungle gym for them, of course, then to see him transition into being a witch.

00:41:16.715 --> 00:41:21.954
And now I can see him where there's a huge similarity between him and the Alan Richardson's Reacher.

00:41:22.244 --> 00:41:22.885
I do that a lot.

00:41:22.994 --> 00:41:29.505
I take inspirations from movies or from books, things that really strike a chord that I want to see explored in a different way.

00:41:29.815 --> 00:41:34.554
You are a former fitness, would you say a trainer?

00:41:34.969 --> 00:41:42.139
Yes, I was a, a personal trainer and a fitness instructor for several years before, before my body said no.

00:41:42.760 --> 00:41:45.119
Some of my favorite things I did were like, uh, aqua aerobics.

00:41:45.139 --> 00:41:51.699
I would teach silver sneakers and just all of this just really awesome stuff with a lot of really cool people.

00:41:51.699 --> 00:41:58.550
And I enjoyed it and I loved it, but then my body just like, no, you need to stop this now because otherwise if you don't stop it, we're going to stop it for you.

00:41:59.054 --> 00:42:09.864
On a side note, I used to do aqua aerobics when I was pregnant because the weightlessness of a pool feels really good when you're pregnant, but it was so much fun.

00:42:09.875 --> 00:42:17.784
All of the like older women and they play like Motown music and it was just such a fantastic positive group of women.

00:42:17.784 --> 00:42:18.695
I just loved it.

00:42:18.775 --> 00:42:20.244
Yeah, it's, it's amazing.

00:42:20.295 --> 00:42:22.965
In general, the group that I had was older groups.

00:42:22.965 --> 00:42:26.985
I should say I taught several of them as a contractor for the park districts around the area.

00:42:26.985 --> 00:42:27.054

00:42:27.340 --> 00:42:37.090
And it was great when I would sub, because I had to start somewhere, so I would sub for people, and half the people would be there, they'd show up, and at first they were skeptical, but by the end of it, they were like, can you come back?

00:42:37.090 --> 00:42:39.518
And I'm like, well, I'm going to teach this other class.

00:42:39.519 --> 00:42:41.079
And so then things grew from there.

00:42:41.280 --> 00:42:44.269
But the energy that they have, it was just absolutely amazing.

00:42:44.269 --> 00:42:50.269
And the stuff that I did was mainly, like, I would only get in at the end of the session, and my sessions were an hour.

00:42:50.630 --> 00:42:57.159
And so I would be up on the deck doing these aerobic moves and they would be in the water doing the aerobic moves and you could see them getting, they'd get angry at me sometimes.

00:42:57.159 --> 00:42:58.769
They'd be like, I can't move my feet that fast.

00:42:58.769 --> 00:42:59.210
I'm like, well, keep going.

00:42:59.760 --> 00:43:01.190
That's a you problem.

00:43:01.440 --> 00:43:05.320
They knew I was joking, you know, and it was work, but they, they had a great time and I loved it.

00:43:05.494 --> 00:43:06.485
Just, it was so much fun.

00:43:06.485 --> 00:43:10.364
But then doing all that stuff on the deck, I lived my life in my twenties, like I wouldn't see 30.

00:43:10.364 --> 00:43:13.394
And now that I'm in my fifties, my body's like, hey, remember those checks you wrote?

00:43:13.434 --> 00:43:15.454
Yeah, insufficient funds, my friend.

00:43:16.135 --> 00:43:16.985
I fell rock climbing.

00:43:16.985 --> 00:43:18.315
I have two busted hips.

00:43:18.494 --> 00:43:20.574
I have a smashed tailbone and they never healed right.

00:43:21.034 --> 00:43:28.795
So now I have pretty severe osteoarthritis in my hips, right at the beginning of our Kickstarter for the Coven and Crucible core book, I had a heart attack, a really severe heart attack.

00:43:28.804 --> 00:43:30.355
So I got my first helicopter ride.

00:43:30.425 --> 00:43:30.985
That was fun.

00:43:30.985 --> 00:43:31.528
It was a lot of fun.

00:43:31.889 --> 00:43:39.530
So it's, it's been a journey, but here I am, healthy, just not doing the things I used to do, but now channeling it in other ways.

00:43:40.269 --> 00:43:42.380
Well, I'm so glad that you recovered.

00:43:42.389 --> 00:43:44.730
That sounds pretty scary.

00:43:45.210 --> 00:43:57.159
It was, and I didn't, I didn't feel afraid at the time, only because, The blockage I had was 99 percent blockage in one, and 87 percent in my second, and 83 percent in my third, and it was pretty severe.

00:43:57.190 --> 00:44:00.599
They said if you had waited an hour, you wouldn't be here, and I'm like, well, okay.

00:44:00.690 --> 00:44:08.360
It didn't strike me, and it didn't really hit me until when my family came and visited, and I saw the looks on their faces, and I was like, oh gosh, oh.

00:44:08.760 --> 00:44:10.769
And it was, it was a pretty emotional time.

00:44:11.184 --> 00:44:20.135
But it wasn't like I had this sudden need to live life, and it made me put things in perspective, like, I am living the life that I'm supposed to, and I'm living how I feel like I should be.

00:44:20.534 --> 00:44:22.554
So it wasn't this shock and sudden transition.

00:44:22.554 --> 00:44:27.054
It was a wake up call that if you want to continue living your life this way, you need to make some diet changes.

00:44:27.264 --> 00:44:28.155
But it wasn't my diet.

00:44:28.244 --> 00:44:33.844
They still don't have a clue as to what it was that caused it, because my cholesterol is really low and I'm really healthy.

00:44:34.195 --> 00:44:36.625
It's just all of a sudden inflammation and bam.

00:44:36.835 --> 00:44:39.835
So they think that it's genetic, but I'm adopted.

00:44:39.835 --> 00:44:42.594
So I have no idea who had it in my family.

00:44:43.074 --> 00:44:49.715
Do you bring sort of this physicality or this relationship to your body into your characters at all?

00:44:49.894 --> 00:44:52.094
It sounds like you were creating a martial character.

00:44:52.094 --> 00:44:58.110
And I'm wondering if you often create martial characters where their body is more important to their skill.

00:44:58.139 --> 00:45:00.000
Is that something that you do a lot?

00:45:00.309 --> 00:45:00.800
It is.

00:45:00.860 --> 00:45:03.190
My favorite classes to play are barbarians.

00:45:03.260 --> 00:45:06.800
I play big, strong characters because I enjoy it.

00:45:06.820 --> 00:45:11.380
I enjoy the combat systems of most games, and I identify with those characters physically.

00:45:11.440 --> 00:45:18.110
I have one character who is the direct opposite of that, and he has become a quick favorite of mine as well.

00:45:18.349 --> 00:45:34.380
Because of that challenge to RP and because of that lack of physicality, which is awesome, but in the same vein, the majority of the stuff that I do, they are martial characters, they are physical characters, and I bring a lot of that into, because of my past and because I connect with it and I'm, I can easily portray it.

00:45:34.829 --> 00:45:43.329
And a lot of the scenes that I write as far as, because one of the things that we do, we help promote on the, both the playtest server and our official discord server is what's called inside the character.

00:45:43.755 --> 00:45:51.184
It's a channel devoted for the players to write about their characters and write fiction about their characters, you know, how they're dealing with things.

00:45:51.659 --> 00:45:55.280
And it's been a wonderful tool for players and inspiration for other players.

00:45:55.309 --> 00:46:01.099
And so when I do write things, I write physicalities, like I write fight scenes and I think I write pretty good fight scenes.

00:46:01.110 --> 00:46:08.480
So, because the other part of my history is that I was a theater nerd and I went to school for theater and my, my focus was stage combat.

00:46:08.599 --> 00:46:11.710
And in my past, I was a after combatant for a lot of Ren Faires.

00:46:11.710 --> 00:46:13.480
I was a jouster for some time.

00:46:13.550 --> 00:46:16.030
Uh, and so I got to do all of that stuff for real.

00:46:16.030 --> 00:46:18.559
And I was like, again, my 13 year old self was giddy.

00:46:20.304 --> 00:46:25.445
It's funny that you were doing the jousting and you built a character called Lancelot.

00:46:25.454 --> 00:46:29.425
It's very, feels very full circle to me, at least on the outside.

00:46:29.920 --> 00:46:38.789
Yes, yes, it absolutely was like I can do this and I can make it connect to a whole lot of who I am and what I was and what I am going to be not that I'm going to be a jouster anytime soon.

00:46:38.789 --> 00:46:40.099
That's not going to happen ever again.

00:46:40.119 --> 00:46:42.059
I think because I've been hit by a lance.

00:46:42.059 --> 00:46:45.670
Nothing makes you feel more invulnerable than putting on a hundred pounds of metal, right?

00:46:45.670 --> 00:46:47.619
You walk around like you are ten feet tall.

00:46:47.690 --> 00:46:48.630
Nothing can stop you.

00:46:48.929 --> 00:46:56.090
Then you get on a horse, and you start charging, and then you get hit with a piece of wood, and you realize how not invulnerable you are.

00:46:56.340 --> 00:47:00.929
I can imagine that hits like a brick at the speed that you're going on the horse.

00:47:01.030 --> 00:47:07.750
All the mass and that, all that force can just narrow down to one space that is very, very small.

00:47:08.019 --> 00:47:13.550
If you don't know what you're doing, that's absolutely dangerous, but that's why you get training and you go and do these things.

00:47:13.969 --> 00:47:17.159
But yeah, it is jarring, absolutely jarring.

00:47:17.239 --> 00:47:26.250
We had one show where the lance reflected up off of the belly of my armor and hit my pauldron and the tip got wedged where it was riveted to, to the shoulder.

00:47:26.460 --> 00:47:28.869
And so it ended up bending and breaking.

00:47:29.070 --> 00:47:30.099
Right next to my head.

00:47:30.199 --> 00:47:34.800
And it was a little scary, but the piece got wedged there and it stuck.

00:47:35.420 --> 00:47:38.630
And so I leaned back on the horse and this piece of wood is sticking out of me.

00:47:38.750 --> 00:47:43.289
Everybody thought that I got impaled and it was great for the show, but you know, it was awesome.

00:47:43.289 --> 00:47:45.949
Cause then I got off and I brush it off and they're like, Oh, it was awesome.

00:47:45.949 --> 00:47:47.949
We got to start sword fighting, which is what we're supposed to do.

00:47:47.969 --> 00:47:48.780
Cause it's all scripted.

00:47:48.789 --> 00:47:49.159
It was.

00:47:49.289 --> 00:47:50.360
Absolutely awesome.

00:47:50.369 --> 00:47:51.500
The tears and everything.

00:47:51.500 --> 00:47:54.360
And then afterwards I went and had my shoulder reset cause it was dislocated.

00:47:54.360 --> 00:47:55.090
It was that fun.

00:47:55.280 --> 00:47:56.300
That was painful.

00:47:56.340 --> 00:47:56.579

00:47:56.579 --> 00:47:56.889

00:47:56.940 --> 00:47:57.460

00:47:58.210 --> 00:47:59.630
That sounds terrible.

00:47:59.900 --> 00:48:05.840
It's a testament to your theater experience, I guess, that you were able to keep that show going on.

00:48:06.159 --> 00:48:19.980
A lot of times when things happen on stage that you don't expect, it's a challenge because there's different thoughts of acting and if you're really, really invested in this character and you're in that moment, you know, something happens and you maybe don't even realize it until after it's happened.

00:48:20.130 --> 00:48:22.570
Like when that happened to me, I didn't think of, oh, the show must go on.

00:48:22.570 --> 00:48:27.130
I thought I'm going to get off this horse, I'm going to brush this off and then I'm going to continue this scene.

00:48:27.130 --> 00:48:30.250
And then when I'm done, I'm going to go off stage and I'm going to take off this armor.

00:48:30.349 --> 00:48:33.929
And I mean, that's the thought process because it didn't hurt so much at the time.

00:48:34.119 --> 00:48:38.389
Again, I've abused my body when I was in my 20s and up to 30s.

00:48:38.400 --> 00:48:42.050
And it's, you know, I would not recommend the path that I walked.

00:48:42.050 --> 00:48:45.550
I try to help my children and the people I talk to, to avoid that path.

00:48:45.610 --> 00:48:52.760
I can't make them not, but I can guide them and I can say, look, you can't walk like you think you could when you're older by doing this thing you're doing now.

00:48:52.829 --> 00:48:55.460
But then I think that wouldn't have changed my mind in the moment.

00:48:55.539 --> 00:48:56.920
Why would I change their mind now?

00:48:57.300 --> 00:48:57.690

00:48:58.570 --> 00:48:59.079
I get it.

00:49:00.969 --> 00:49:02.139
Shut up, old man.

00:49:02.139 --> 00:49:02.230

00:49:02.230 --> 00:49:02.900
What do you know?.

00:49:02.929 --> 00:49:03.619

00:49:04.460 --> 00:49:05.070
Get off my lawn.

00:49:05.550 --> 00:49:09.090
Did you also do acting training when you were in theater school?

00:49:09.559 --> 00:49:14.530
I went to Kent State University, got a bachelor's degree and started pursuing my graduate degree in theater.

00:49:14.579 --> 00:49:16.829
How does that come into play with your role play?

00:49:17.170 --> 00:49:17.980
Comedic timing.

00:49:18.099 --> 00:49:21.510
You find stuff that really connects with the other players.

00:49:21.650 --> 00:49:24.369
And then, I'm all about helping people.

00:49:24.719 --> 00:49:35.679
I'm not big on the spotlight, a lot of the characters and a lot of times players will defer, I've discovered, to the character I'm portraying because I wrote the game, but I want to help bring other players into the spotlight.

00:49:35.679 --> 00:49:38.530
So a lot of the things that I do are supportive in that nature.

00:49:38.769 --> 00:49:41.920
To a point, my character is still their character and they're still going to react how they react.

00:49:42.255 --> 00:49:46.844
But if I can do something that helps bring them into the light, then absolutely.

00:49:46.855 --> 00:49:52.974
Because it's, improv is about yes and, and a lot of the stuff I did in, at the Ren Faires was all improv interactive theater.

00:49:52.974 --> 00:49:59.155
And it was just so much fun to see someone who wanted to engage with you as a patron and not.

00:49:59.445 --> 00:50:06.434
So you go and you engage with them, and then you have this really great thing that everybody else sees, and before you know it, they're playing along and they're having a great time.

00:50:06.664 --> 00:50:13.025
And then at the end of the day, they're going to go home and tell their family, I had the greatest time at Ren Faire, this person did this thing, and it was great.

00:50:13.025 --> 00:50:32.269
So if I could help do that with other players, some of these players from the playtest server I played with for years at LARP and like the, my old days at the MES and things, that we just, we were We've always had this really great comedic chemistry, and so we play off each other and so I'll often set things up and they will spike them and everybody has a hilarious time and it's wonderful.

00:50:32.420 --> 00:50:36.650
That's how I try to use my theater training is that and really bad accents.

00:50:38.769 --> 00:50:46.210
It's so important as a player, especially when you have a little bit more experience role playing and maybe there's a new player at the table.

00:50:46.480 --> 00:50:56.329
To find ways to draw those players out and to initiate things that will help them reveal their character or just have some input in the scene.

00:50:56.389 --> 00:50:57.429
How do you do that?

00:50:58.000 --> 00:50:58.929

00:50:59.059 --> 00:50:59.389

00:50:59.400 --> 00:51:09.659
That's what I do is like my character will thinking of one in particular, a character will go and introduce them if they haven't been introduced introduce himself because there's a big group of people in the new person is sitting there.

00:51:09.905 --> 00:51:11.005
Everybody wants to know about them.

00:51:11.144 --> 00:51:19.224
So starting to ask questions, finding out what they're into, and generally, if what they're into, at least one other person that in the circle would be sort of into that.

00:51:19.244 --> 00:51:26.925
So you just connect them that way, but asking questions, showing support, and then including them on things, even if it's something that they may or may not be good at.

00:51:27.144 --> 00:51:31.735
Include them anyway, because there are so many versatile options in this system.

00:51:31.824 --> 00:51:34.614
You don't know what somebody can actually do and the work they could think of.

00:51:34.614 --> 00:51:46.364
They could do until they presented with a situation where it might be prudent coming in clutch with the magical plus lock picking to overcome this lock that none of us could get around because none of us are skilled thieves.

00:51:46.514 --> 00:51:49.264
And he's not a skilled thief, but he's skilled in magic.

00:51:49.264 --> 00:51:51.235
And he has a little bit of smatterings from lock picking.

00:51:51.235 --> 00:51:52.655
So he does that and it works.

00:51:52.655 --> 00:52:00.264
And then, and then that player who may not have been included feels like, Hey, I did something and I did something well, and I feel like I'm of value.

00:52:00.585 --> 00:52:10.655
Which is, I find a lot of players really want to contribute or really want to be a part of it because they want their characters to be something worthwhile with the party or the group or the circle in the case of Coven and Crucible.

00:52:10.784 --> 00:52:16.224
So that's what I try to do without, of course, making it super, super obvious, because you want it to flow naturally.

00:52:16.235 --> 00:52:17.824
You don't want to say, Oh, come on, let's do this thing.

00:52:17.824 --> 00:52:19.175
And then they're like, what am I doing here?

00:52:19.324 --> 00:52:29.324
I actually set up something in my game where we occasionally, especially at times where we're kind of at a break in the story or it's a transition from one part of the story to another.

00:52:29.480 --> 00:52:38.230
where I have the characters actually, in advance, come up with a question and then we draw a card essentially and they ask that question to the table.

00:52:38.409 --> 00:52:45.280
There's nothing organic about it, but we try to make it organic in the actual roleplay.

00:52:45.389 --> 00:52:57.349
So I think, especially with players who are maybe struggling to get drawn out of that shell, and there's not a lot of people at the table who are skilled in doing that with other players.

00:52:57.519 --> 00:53:02.500
It's nice to even build it in very intentionally and say, we're going to do this thing.

00:53:02.610 --> 00:53:09.409
And I think for, at least for my table, it's been great to make that a thing that we do intentionally.

00:53:09.530 --> 00:53:10.659
That is awesome.

00:53:10.730 --> 00:53:12.159
That is absolutely amazing.

00:53:12.289 --> 00:53:14.179
I guess it does make it very clear.

00:53:14.179 --> 00:53:19.800
I'm blessed with the amount of people that are very open at the table, the playtest table, which is part of why we chose them.

00:53:19.829 --> 00:53:27.920
But also I'm very lucky in that, that people are inclusive and maybe I take for granted sometimes that I can do these things that maybe some other tables don't have access to that.

00:53:28.159 --> 00:53:34.460
I think that's a great resolution on how to do that and how to get people out of, out of those shells and out of those, what they normally would do.

00:53:35.030 --> 00:53:38.349
Lance, how well do you deal with pain?

00:53:39.030 --> 00:53:39.500

00:53:39.849 --> 00:53:42.070
It is a wonderful, wonderful teacher.

00:53:42.510 --> 00:53:45.219
Tells me not to do the things that I was doing currently.

00:53:45.300 --> 00:53:50.519
That said, pain is the teacher, but recovery is the lesson.

00:53:51.349 --> 00:53:52.829
That's very poetic.

00:53:53.449 --> 00:53:54.269
I love that.

00:53:54.539 --> 00:53:54.980
Thank you.

00:53:55.730 --> 00:54:02.295
Stephan, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and sharing Lance with me and with my listeners.

00:54:02.414 --> 00:54:09.625
Thank you so much for having me and letting me talk about Lance and talk about the game that I'm incredibly passionate about and overexcited about.

00:54:09.954 --> 00:54:14.179
Speaking of your game, is there anything you want to share with my listeners?

00:54:14.489 --> 00:54:15.360

00:54:15.369 --> 00:54:36.199
I would love to have more people learn about Coven and Crucible, about the inclusivity of playing a game that is teamwork based, that absolutely is open ended, so you can, whatever you can imagine your character doing, you can do, or you can attempt to do it within the mechanics that has been designed for very, very open ended possibilities.

00:54:36.210 --> 00:54:40.300
So yes, I would love for more people to learn about it and to experience it.

00:54:41.360 --> 00:54:46.960
For my recommendation this episode, I'd like to introduce you to a podcast called Wing Women.

00:54:47.340 --> 00:54:58.570
Wing Women is an actual play podcast based on the exploits of the real life Night Witches, Soviet airwomen fighting to survive during a campaign of bombing against the Nazis.

00:54:59.019 --> 00:55:07.940
I love the characters on this show, and it really captures the feeling of being thrown into an incredibly deadly situation without a safety net.

00:55:08.369 --> 00:55:09.219
Give it a listen.

00:55:09.780 --> 00:55:13.579
I also feature the Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers podcast.

00:55:13.780 --> 00:55:25.800
The AARPGs is an actual play podcast with a group of friends who have been playing roleplaying games off and on together for nearly 40 years, they're currently running a Dragonbane campaign.

00:55:26.530 --> 00:55:27.869
I started a newsletter.

00:55:28.230 --> 00:55:40.710
If you'd like to get a behind the scenes peek at the podcast, follow my other projects, like my current all woman actual play and be notified when a new episode drops, you can find the signup form in the show notes or on my website.

00:55:41.360 --> 00:55:43.940
Please share the podcast with a friend.

00:55:44.489 --> 00:55:47.519
Word of mouth is the best way to find new listeners.

00:55:47.789 --> 00:55:50.469
Your recommendations help me immensely.

00:55:50.940 --> 00:55:53.789
Thank you to all my listeners spreading the word.

00:55:54.170 --> 00:55:55.179
I'm so grateful.

00:55:55.969 --> 00:56:01.744
You can find me on TikTok at StarMamaC or on Threads, Blue Sky, Instagram, and Facebook.

00:56:01.994 --> 00:56:03.905
Ask Characters Without Stories.

00:56:04.144 --> 00:56:09.235
You can also listen on YouTube at Characters Without Stories, or follow the link in the description.

00:56:09.855 --> 00:56:12.135
My submissions are currently full.

00:56:12.684 --> 00:56:17.304
I'll announce on the podcast when I'll be accepting more submissions, so keep your ears open.

00:56:17.945 --> 00:56:22.074
Thanks for listening, and may all your characters find their stories.
Stephan Kelly Profile Photo

Stephan Kelly


Stephan Kelly is a retired fitness professional and theatre nerd who has channeled his optimism into creating TTRPGs and redefining masculinity. He is the "mechanics guy" at 13th Moon Games, a family run gaming company, and works there with his wife, daughter, and son.