May all your characters find their stories

V.J. Harris

V.J. Harris Profile Photo


V.J. Harris is a professional TTRPG designer and pro game master. They're most well known for their work with MCDM Production's Arcadia magazine and An Elf and An Orc Had a Little Baby. They strive to make TTRPGS fun and inclusive for all those that wish to play and respect others.

June 21, 2023

Gaming with Pride - How Playing TTRPGs Gives Us Space to Explore Identity

It’s Pride Month! While we can and should joyfully celebrate LGBTQIA+ people every day of the year, we come together in June to devote special attention - to pay respects for those who have fought for liberation, and to conti...
Nov. 21, 2022

Varqoor, the Mind Flayer Losing Control - The Problems with Races in D&D with VJ Harris (D&D5e)

VJ Harris brings Varqoor to the table. Varqoor is a mind flayer losing their hold on their host and finding their own path away from the Elder Brain as a spore druid. VJ and I discuss how their supplement, An Elf and an Orc H...
Guest: V.J. Harris