June 21, 2023

Gaming with Pride - How Playing TTRPGs Gives Us Space to Explore Identity

It’s Pride Month! While we can and should joyfully celebrate LGBTQIA+ people every day of the year, we come together in June to devote special attention - to pay respects for those who have fought for liberation, and to continue the struggle in the face of increasing hostility and repression.

This episode I’m honoring my trans, non-binary, and queer guests by sharing their unique perspectives on how playing TTRPGs have shaped their identities.

Jay is featured in S1E2, "Qurr the Birbarian - Building Better Backstories with Jay (D&D 5e)."
Website: https://www.betterbackstories.com
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@allthatjaz22

Stevie is featured in S1E3, "Requiem, the Reluctant Tiefling - Searching for Found Family with Neineyes (D&D 5e)."
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neineyes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevietealeaf

V.J. Harris is featured in S1E9, "Varqoor, the Mind Flayer Losing Control - The Problems with Races in D&D with VJ Harris (D&D5e)."
Website: https://www.vjhcreations.com
VJ Talks Podcast: https://www.vjhcreations.com/podcast-vjtalks

Caroline Vahrenkamp is featured in S2E2, "Jurdgel Sharptooth, Goblin Customs Official - Gender Identity and Character Voices with Caroline Vahrenkamp (D&D 5e)."
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@caro_the_rpg_mom
Wonders of the World Podcast: https://www.wonderspodcast.com

Amelia and Ryan are featured in S2E3, "Catalina and Esperanza, Twins at Odds - Drama and Romance with Character Creation Cast (Pasión de las Pasiones)."
Character Creation Cast: https://charactercreationcast.com

Simon is a featured in S2E7, "Dex the Gnome Revolutionary - Representing Neurodiversity with Simon (Shadowrun)."
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@simonthetinker

Jack is featured

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Cover art by The Curiographer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecuriographer

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Website: http://www.characterswithoutstories.com
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@starmamac
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Thanks for listening, and may all your characters find their stories!


00:00 - Intro

00:45 - Jay

01:58 - Stevie

04:13 - VJ Harris

05:49 - Caroline Vahrenkamp

11:04 - Ryan and Amelia

13:32 - Simon

18:20 - Jack

22:45 - Outro

Jay Profile Photo



Jay is a retired U.S. Navy Broadcast Journalist, a High School Teacher, and the creator of Better Backstories. She is also a D&D Dungeon Master, a cosplayer, and she identifies as a non-binary femizenter.

Stevie Profile Photo



Stevie is currently a grad student studying to become a mental health counselor and enjoys DMing and playing D&D and Pathfinder.

V.J. Harris Profile Photo

V.J. Harris


V.J. Harris is a professional TTRPG designer and pro game master. They're most well known for their work with MCDM Production's Arcadia magazine and An Elf and An Orc Had a Little Baby. They strive to make TTRPGS fun and inclusive for all those that wish to play and respect others.

Caroline Vahrenkamp Profile Photo

Caroline Vahrenkamp


Caroline Vahrenkamp is a suburban parent of two who does silly D&D character voices on TikTok from time to time. Caroline’s podcast, Wonders of the World, is about all of the amazing places on Earth and the cultures that created them.

Ryan Boelter Profile Photo

Ryan Boelter


Ryan is the co-host of the Character Creation Cast podcast, a show where they discuss and create characters with guests using the guest's favorite games. Ryan does the editing and production while also dabbling in game design and freelance audio editing.

Amelia Antrim Profile Photo

Amelia Antrim


Amelia Antrim is the co-host of the Character Creation Cast podcast, a show where they discuss and create characters with guests using the guest's favorite games. Amelia does most of the social media, organizing and graphic design for the podcast, and was also an ENnies judge for two years.

Simon Profile Photo



Simon is a queer, non-binary, autistic, and ADHD STEM educator that builds TTRPG characters to appease his brain spiders.

Jack Profile Photo



Jack is a Jewish trans man just trying to play and learn as many different games as he can. Currently working on a Risus setting/adventure about VR games.